Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why Your Child is Sick, Part 2

So, what is causing the colic, rashes, digestive problems, infections, allergies, and the more progressive conditions in children?

To answer this I have to take you back to an experience I had during my late teens in 1978.  It was at this time that I read the book, Are You Confused, by Paavo Airola.  This was the book that introduced me to the concept of fasting for health, and I began a 10 day fast immediately afterward.

Within days my acne began clearing up, eventually disappearing forever.  Also, within this 10 day time frame, and later fasts, I eventually lost almost 30 lbs which I never ever regained. 

The health benefits did not stop here.  Within months I noticed that my nasal allergies has completely disappeared, and that I was no longer getting colds (I now get a mild cold every 3-5 years).

Then, as the years went by I noticed that my sporadic back pains, which had required two previous doctor visits for which they had found no cause or remedy, had not returned.

One has to ask, how in the world is it possible for so many “different” conditions to benefit from something as simple as abstaining from food?

The answer is partly in the question as it is precisely this emphasis on, “differences”, and the consequent inability to see the comprehensive whole, that lies at the root of the inability of medicine to find permanent non-toxic solutions for disease in general.

In fact, I would suggest that the ability of “differences” to blind us to the whole is one of the defining characteristics of a troubled humanity (the difference between nations, ethnicities, religions, beliefs, and so on).

We have for thousands of years been conditioned to think of ourselves as, “individuals”, and therefore, as “separate” from the whole of creation!  It is this feeling of “separateness” that characterizes our egos, and which superimposes itself into all areas of human endeavor, including medicine.

Now, lets go back to the healing experience I had.  What happened?  How could so many “different” conditions benefit from simply fasting?  The answer is simply that these so called, “different”, conditions were actually connected in the underlying whole---that is, they had the same underlying cause---this underlying cause being progressive accumulation of toxic waste inside all of my cells, tissues and organs from overconsumption: I was overfed as an infant/toddler, and this same pattern of overeating in excess of my body’s ability to eliminate toxic waste continued into my childhood and teenage years!

The same underlying cause was then expressing itself differently as the years went by---first in my infant-hood by my inability to resist virus infections (colds), then as the years went by, by the manifestation of allergies.  Then when I reached teen-hood this same underlying toxicity eventually found expression in the manifestation of acne and pimples, and after that in, “mysterious” back problems.

I have absolutely no doubt that had I not gone on this program of internal cleansing and detoxification by fasting, that this toxic condition within my body would have eventually found expression in even more serious health conditions.  Which health conditions?   Which health conditions are we “genetically” susceptible to?   Is it diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's, glaucoma, schizophrenia, inflammatory bowel conditions…?  

What I am suggesting here is that one of the fundamental underlying causes of human disease is this hidden underlying toxicity within our bodies! 

Stay tuned for part 3.


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