Saturday, June 16, 2012

Are We About To Interface With Hell?

In February 23, 2012 investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe was interviewed on Coast to Coast on unexplained sounds occurring worldwide. Its interesting because one of the reported unexplained sounds occurred to me here in my home in Carlsbad CA within the July-August timeframe of 2011.

I had just finished using my computer after 10 PM, and as I was getting up out of my chair I heard the sound of heavy freeway traffic right outside my window. I was perplexed because on the one hand--it was a familiar sound, but on the other hand, there is no way that such a sound should have been audible right outside my window especially that late at night!

I stepped outside and stood on the sidewalk listening for a few seconds. Then I climbed the hill next to my house to see if I could detect heavy traffic on highway 78, but I could not get a view.  Regardless, such a heavy ‘daytime’ rush hour traffic sound should not have been audible to my ears at any time of day.  I then forgot about the incident until I heard the interview with Linda Howe.

The interview with Linda presented various theories, but what I think is happening is what might be termed, ‘reality shifts’.

Imagine an intelligence that is outside our realm looking down on us like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Now imagine that each piece of the puzzle represents one piece of reality which can be moved around.  One piece of reality might represent the sound of a fog horn, while another, the sound of heavy traffic, and so on.

For example, the first interview featured a Russian woman who heard what reminded her of "The Trumpets of Revelation".  I think what she actually heard was a fog horn from some distant seaport (or ship) somewhere around the world. The actual sound of the fog horn may have been emitted one week ago, five weeks ago, perhaps years ago, but nevertheless the sound superimposed itself in her reality at that particular time (her audio recording is available on YouTube).

Likewise, the traffic sound I heard was definitely not from my immediate area, but probably from some distant locale on the globe, which then interfaced with my location at that particular time and place.

A common example might be finding your bedroom window open in the morning when you were sure you had closed it the previous night. Perhaps you opened that window at night four months ago, and then that event superimposed itself that night in your bedroom!

Now, my question is--if there is an increase in the incidence of these reality shifts, what does it say about what is happening to our reality? Are these portending a radical change in our reality (or consciousness) as suggested or foretold by astrology, ET contactees, prophecy, and by the Mayan calendar?

One clue comes from alternate researcher William Warwick who thinks 'The Third Secret of Fatima' was about the Earth undergoing a period of planetary freezing in the near future.  He then correlates this event to the Mayan Calendar 5,200 year cycle which aligns Earth with the sun and with a supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy during December 2012. 

Mr. Warwick also interviewed the head Mayan Day Keeper in Guatemala, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez (Wandering Wolf) who did indeed confirm the existence of this freezing event as concurring with each Mayan Calendar 5,200 year end cycle.  And even though Don Alejandro agreed that we are within the time window for this event to occur, he acknowledged that he did not know the precise date when it would happen.

One final piece of the puzzle occurred on January 7, 2012 when a Japanese princess named Kaoru Nakamaru was widely quoted as predicting Three Days of Darkness beginning on December 22, 2012, which concurs with the Mayan 2012 Long Count Calendar end date. This was revealed to her by some Earthly intelligence in connection with a previous opening of her third eye (or awakening).

If you do a web search for, The Three Days of Darkness Prophecy, you will find some interesting warnings from scriptural texts and modern prophets—here is a summary: “Nothing will be seen, not the stars, sun, or moon--and it will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles."  "Stay away from doors and windows and lock them shut.  Close your curtains and shades and do not go outside or look out your windows, and do not respond to anyone calling you from outside.  During these three days of darkness people should pray the rosary and beg God for mercy, for there is not going to be one demon left in hell. All are going to be on earth!”

What can we make of all this? Are the unexplained sounds being heard worldwide--some of which may be attributed to reality shifts--a microcosm of some larger cosmic multi-dimensional reality shift which will fulfill itself in the form of a very dark cold reality interfacing with ours for some 72 hours?  I hope not, but if so, I am ready with my rosary, bible, saint candles, firewood, blankets, buckets of water, and some food.  Stay tuned folks, this could be a wild one!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

You Are Not Insignificant!

For thousands of years we have been conditioned to think of ourselves as individuals, and as a result, we have been under the illusion that we are separate from the whole of mankind.

The consequences of this are disempowerment, or the sense that one vote does not amount to much.  I think this is a great underestimation of our potential as individuals, after all, if most individuals think they are insignificant, than the obvious consequence is a weakness of the whole, and an inability to accomplish things on a large scale.

It seems clear to me that we can never solve our basic problems of existence such as poverty and violence if there is no unified concerted effort by humanity as a whole.  Leaving a few to deal with such problems only invites partial fragmented results which will never fully resolve the underlying fundamental cause of our problems.

And what is this underlying fundamental cause of our problems?  Here is a clue from Genesis 2:17: “They (Adam and Eve) ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge and instantly knew the difference between good and evil”.

Notice the sentence, “the difference between good and evil”.  I think we can extrapolate from this to mean the emphasis we give to the differences between nationalities, races, ethnicities, beliefs, opinions, and so on.

So, what happened to, “Adam and Eve”?   I believe what happened is that we humans became trapped in thought (ego)—or in the illusion of time and space as created by our thinking (our ego).   And I think it is this illusion of space (separation) that is responsible for the emphasis we give to differences, and to the misguided perception that we are separate from everything.

Another way to look at it is that we humans suffer from an, “unresolved conflict” within our minds, or from a conflict defined by, “separation”—the separation (conflict) between you and me; the separation (conflict) between what I have and between what I want; the separation (conflict) between where I am and between where I would rather be, and so on.

Then our individual conflicts express themselves worldwide as the conflicts between nations, religions, and so on.

This illusion of separateness between ourselves and the world underlies our conditioning as individuals, and is what is responsible for the persistency of our fears, violence, and obsessions with pleasure, comfort, and security (the illusion of security, I should emphasize).

I should add that our fear is very unique in that it is a, “sticky” fear that is made persistent by the stickiness of ego, as in, “I am here”; “I am talking”; “I”; “I”; “I”; …and so on.  Or to put it another way, our illusion of separation from our instincts, including from our fears, is what is making them, “sticky”, so that they seem overwhelming.

You may be interested in knowing that other living creatures do not have an ego, and therefore the fear that they feel is non pervasive, non vindictive, and non destructive to their society as a whole.

So clearly, we are dealing here with a unique human problem of mind which encompasses the whole of us in our roles as parents, teachers, neighbors, and world citizens—with one consequence of this being the creation for our children of an environment based on fear, worry, threat, punishment—and of, “dreams” which can never truly come true.   We then very cleverly cover this up with acceptable terms such as, “discipline”, “education”, and, “socialization”.

Will we ever come out of it?  Almost everything I have read and heard suggests that we will-- that we are an evolving species.  And further, that this evolution is about to accelerate as we shift into this New Age some may call, The Aquarian Age (its a shifting of cycles, like the cycles of seasons). 

But it is vitally important to understand that our evolution requires the participation of as many of us as possible in order to make this quantum shift possible, and that therefore, none of us should consider themselves insignificant!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Mystique of Barnabas Collins

I will never forget January of 1968, while switching channels on my TV, coming upon a close-up of a character named Barnabas Collins played by actor Jonathan Frid.

I was immediately struck by the appearance of this character--I mean this guy was perfect for the role of a vampire. If a prototypical vampire is a person with dark hair, dark thick eyelashes and eyebrows, deep set dark eyes, and a gaunt sunken face with an expression of suffering and desolation accompanied by an air of mystery and nobility, then this guy was it!

At that instant I felt both enchantment and deep disheartenment at the appearance of this character, for I thought to myself, “what a waste to not use a character like that to portray a vampire”. I had absolutely no idea that within weeks this character would become transformed into a vampire by the casting of a curse by the witch Angelique!

This event was one of the most prescient of my life, and we have to give credit here to Dan Curtis and associates for making such a stupendous casting call!

Here then, for the first time ever--unlike the Addams Family and The Munsters--we had a show on gothic horror called, Dark Shadows, being taken seriously on TV.

But what is it exactly about the character of Barnabas Collins that has made him so endearing to us for so long? I believe its a combination of factors; here they are in numerical order:

1. His uniquely regal, dark handsome, virile appearance created a sense of mystery and awe: Dark hair, dark thick bushy eyebrows, dark thick eyelashes, dark deep set eyes, prominent thick nose, sunken gaunt cheeks, firm powerful shoulders--in other words, here was a character that was not only very attractive by most standards, but most importantly, very attractive in the vampire sense of the word. He, like actor Barry Atwater who played, The Night Stalker; and like actor Max Schreck, who played Nosferatu, had the look about him in terms of bone structure and physical traits that endeared him to playing the specific vampire role that he played.

For example, comparing actor Jonathan Frid’s appearance to that of Ben Cross who played Barnabas Collins in the 1991 remake, it was obvious to me from the beginning that Ben Cross as Barnabas Collins would not work partly because of the sparseness of his eyelashes, and because of his lack of that all-around, “dark mysterious look”. If Johnny Depp is successful as Barnabas Collins it will have to be based on his (and Tim Burton’s) own individual merits and large fan base, because he too lacks that all-around, “dark gaunt virile masculine mysterious look”.

2. His persona of respectability and importance: His firm penetrating gaze and measured politeness greatly contributed to the psychological factors we associate with respectability. These psychological factors were then enhanced by the camera close-ups and the camera’s persistence on keeping him in focus--that is, you immediately knew who was the most important person in the room!

3. His feelings of guilt, and his sentimentality and vulnerability juxtaposed alongside his immense supernatural abilities and monstrously evil nature, resulted in a character that surpassed the complexity-of-role of previous vampires. One moment we have a blood-thirsty serial killer of-the-worst kind, and at another moment, a vulnerable, heartbroken, guilt-ridden creature making a mournful speech to Josette's portrait at the Old House. In fact, I would suggest that in terms of endearing psychological traits, that this sharp contrast between his vulnerability and monstrosity is what has made Barnabas Collins one of the most magnetically attractive TV characters of all time!

4. Jonathan Frid’s previous experience playing Shakespearean characters may be an under appreciated factor here in that he projected the character of Barnabas Collins in his mind so deftly that we were psychologically, “tricked” into thinking he was the character whose role he was playing--but then again, this is a skill of all great actors (and kudos to all co-starring actors and actresses for helping bring his character to life!).

To sum it all up, there is a term called, “synchronicity”, which is defined as the harmonious orderly alignment of events that would otherwise seem to appear random. I would argue that the casting of Jonathan Frid as Barnabas Collins is one such synchronous event. And I would further suggest that it is doubtful if there was an actor at that time that could have stepped into the shoes of Jonathan Frid and played the character of Barnabas Collins as successfully as he did.

In conclusion, I have often wondered if my exalted reaction to seeing the character of Barnabas Collins on TV that afternoon in 1968 is not somehow connected to the synchronous event just mentioned--after all, do I not draw vampires? (see my article and video, I Draw Vampires). And am I not writing this article as Warner Bros serendipitously prepares to release yet another remake of Dark Shadows?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why Your Child is Sick, Part 2

So, what is causing the colic, rashes, digestive problems, infections, allergies, and the more progressive conditions in children?

To answer this I have to take you back to an experience I had during my late teens in 1978.  It was at this time that I read the book, Are You Confused, by Paavo Airola.  This was the book that introduced me to the concept of fasting for health, and I began a 10 day fast immediately afterward.

Within days my acne began clearing up, eventually disappearing forever.  Also, within this 10 day time frame, and later fasts, I eventually lost almost 30 lbs which I never ever regained. 

The health benefits did not stop here.  Within months I noticed that my nasal allergies has completely disappeared, and that I was no longer getting colds (I now get a mild cold every 3-5 years).

Then, as the years went by I noticed that my sporadic back pains, which had required two previous doctor visits for which they had found no cause or remedy, had not returned.

One has to ask, how in the world is it possible for so many “different” conditions to benefit from something as simple as abstaining from food?

The answer is partly in the question as it is precisely this emphasis on, “differences”, and the consequent inability to see the comprehensive whole, that lies at the root of the inability of medicine to find permanent non-toxic solutions for disease in general.

In fact, I would suggest that the ability of “differences” to blind us to the whole is one of the defining characteristics of a troubled humanity (the difference between nations, ethnicities, religions, beliefs, and so on).

We have for thousands of years been conditioned to think of ourselves as, “individuals”, and therefore, as “separate” from the whole of creation!  It is this feeling of “separateness” that characterizes our egos, and which superimposes itself into all areas of human endeavor, including medicine.

Now, lets go back to the healing experience I had.  What happened?  How could so many “different” conditions benefit from simply fasting?  The answer is simply that these so called, “different”, conditions were actually connected in the underlying whole---that is, they had the same underlying cause---this underlying cause being progressive accumulation of toxic waste inside all of my cells, tissues and organs from overconsumption: I was overfed as an infant/toddler, and this same pattern of overeating in excess of my body’s ability to eliminate toxic waste continued into my childhood and teenage years!

The same underlying cause was then expressing itself differently as the years went by---first in my infant-hood by my inability to resist virus infections (colds), then as the years went by, by the manifestation of allergies.  Then when I reached teen-hood this same underlying toxicity eventually found expression in the manifestation of acne and pimples, and after that in, “mysterious” back problems.

I have absolutely no doubt that had I not gone on this program of internal cleansing and detoxification by fasting, that this toxic condition within my body would have eventually found expression in even more serious health conditions.  Which health conditions?   Which health conditions are we “genetically” susceptible to?   Is it diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's, glaucoma, schizophrenia, inflammatory bowel conditions…?  

What I am suggesting here is that one of the fundamental underlying causes of human disease is this hidden underlying toxicity within our bodies! 

Stay tuned for part 3.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Who Do We Blame Now?

Have you noticed the propensity of our human race to blame others for their problems? It is endemic in our society, is it not? And this happens not just globally, but on an individual basis as well---within our relationships at home, at work and at school.

One thing I have learned is that those who blame others are usually not much different than the people they blame! After all we are all human--and is not the underlying cause of human decay and corruption present in almost all of us?

Of course, we emphasize the differences between “us” and “them” to be able to justify our position with statements such as, “well I don’t engage in bribery and money laundering", or, “I don’t kill innocent people...”, and so on.

Unfortunately, by emphasizing the differences we tend to overlook the overlapping similarities. Is the glass half-empty or half-full? One could argue either way--but is it not more comprehensive and realistic to see the glass as BOTH half-empty and half-full?

See, I can complain about terrorists who kill people with guns and bombs, while unbeknownst to me that most of the killing world-wide is psychological in nature, and that this psychological killing is happening inside the privacy of our homes, and inside our schools...and that it is being perpetrated by individuals who are psychologically not much different from myself.

In fact, I will elaborate a bit by suggesting that what our culture calls, “education” and “socialization” are actually conditioning processes that dumb down the individual.  And further--that because of their emphasis on threat and punishment ("discipline")--that these conditioning processes actually encourage the propensity towards violence and unsocial behavior in those prone to it.

So, I can argue that you are a terrorist because you kill people with guns and bombs, while at the same time committing my "killing" with words and gestures, and then being so absolutely dumbed down, that I am completely unable to make the connection between my form of killing and yours, or between my form of killing and the endless wars fought throughout human history!

Similarly, when we complain about corrupt bankers and about corrupt government officials, are we not being blinded to the personal corruption within ourselves?…and that perhaps it is this same personal corruption expressing itself in these bankers and government officials at their own level of expression?

Or to look at it another way, I can complain about corrupt corporations and the banks that finance them, while at the same time being dependent on the products and services that these “corrupt” entities provide… all the while brushing aside (de-emphasizing) the fact that my dependency on them is what affords them the revenue that they need to be able to influence foreign governments abroad so they can commit the human and environmental atrocities that we often blame them for!

I know I sound harsh, but it seems to me that the underlying cause of the problems we complain and blame on others is present in most each and everyone of us. This underlying cause being our human ego with its conflicting values and beliefs.

You may be interested in knowing that other living creatures do not have an ego, and therefore, the fear that is at the source of human corruption IS NOT present in them. That is, the fear that they feel is non pervasive, non vindictive, and non destructive to their society as a whole.

You may also be interested in knowing that we have had exceptional human beings throughout history that have shed their egos in a process that is commonly called ‘spiritual enlightenment’.  Two of these exceptional humans lived within our lifetime: Jiddu Krishnamurti and Peace Pilgrim;  documentaries of their lives are available on YouTube.

I have written this essay as a wake-up call and not as a criticism of you and me.  It should be obvious by now that we have a deep psychological human problem of existence.  And that we as humans can never permanently solve our human problems unless we can psychologically and spiritually evolve to the level of Peace Pilgrim and others like her.

Hopefully you will be inspired by these videos and by my writings to begin this process of evolution within yourself, and to begin--at least initially, to understand why we have the problems that we have all over the world.   Peace and love be with you! 

One final comment: You may be thinking that "blaming" is sometimes justified, such as the blaming of Hitler for WW2.  The problem with this is that once you make ONE exception then you fall into the trap of making MORE exceptions, and then we end up exactly where we are right now.  Think about this, and think real hard!  These are issues that each and everyone one of us must figure out independently on our own, because once you depend on me or on anyone else, then you are lost--then it becomes one's opinion VS the other's...and we are back exactly where we started!   

Friday, March 9, 2012

Why Your Neighbors Don’t Speak To You

What do you expect when people are not really happy!

Do you think people that are really happy and loving would ignore you whether in your neighborhood or out on the streets?

More specifically, the main reason people do not speak to you in your neighborhood or out on the streets is the same---fear.  And we are not talking here about normal healthy transient fear, but rather about a fear that is sticky; that is, fear that  sticks with you and seems all pervasive.

Why the pervasiveness?  Very simply because your ego is pervasive as in, “I” am here; “I” want this; “I” am talking; …“I”…“I”…“I”…and so on.

You may be interested in knowing that other living creatures do not have an ego, and therefore the fear that they feel is non pervasive, non vindictive, and non destructive to their society as a whole.

You may also be interested in knowing that we have had exceptional human beings throughout history that have shed their egos in a process that is commonly called ‘spiritual enlightenment’.

Two of these exceptional humans lived within our lifetime: Jiddu Krishnamurti and Peace Pilgrim (Videos of their lives are available on YouTube). 

Historically the best known enlightened humans are Gautama, The Buddha and Jesus Christ.

These humans were truly exceptional, and they were in every sense of the word, people’s people!

In conclusion, if you really want to understand why people are the way they are, I would encourage you to understand yourself.  In fact, I will take it even further and suggest to you that if you are willing to understand yourself deeply and completely, that you may be able to reach this state of spiritual enlightenment!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Why Your Child is Sick, Part 1


First it was colic perhaps accompanied by rashes and alternating diarrhea and constipation.  Then came the upper respiratory chest infections which “required” antibiotics.  The chest infections were then followed by ear infections which “required” more antibiotics---do you see a progression here?

Warning! Medical doctors are not trained to see the Comprehensive Whole!  What they are trained to do is to see The Whole in “fragments” or symptoms.  They see one fragment in the form of colic, then another fragment in the form of rashes.  Then if these fragments or symptoms abate and another entirely new set of symptoms appear, they don’t make the connection between the first set of symptoms and the second.

It is extremely important for you as a parent to understand what is happening here.  Doctors are human, and like all humans, they are susceptible to systemic conditioning.  That is, they only know what they are taught.  And because of the emphasis in our society on conformity through threat and punishment, it can be very difficult for a doctor to think outside the box.

This concept of “systemic conditioning” is extremely important for all of us to understand.

Basically it means groups of humans repeating the same patterns of behavior over and over again based on the social environment they have been exposed to.  We see this in how we can be conditioned to identify ourselves with a particular nation, religion, race, ethnicity, belief system, and so on. Medicine is no different than that!

Medicine (and science) has fallen into the trap of a belief system based on knowledge and experience, where the emphasis is on, ‘what is known’ at the expense of, ‘the unknown’.  Of course, there are deep psychological reasons for this---and in fact, the same reasons that underlie the decay in medicine underlie the decay in our civilization as a whole.

Stay tuned for part 2.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why Your Dreams Can Never Come True!

     Its very simple, your dreams can never come true because once they do, they are immediately replaced by another dream, thereby perpetuating the source of conflict---the conflict between what you have and between what you want; the conflict between where you are and between where you would rather be, and so on.
    Have you heard we live in a world of illusion?  I am afraid it is true.  We as a human race have been trapped in conflicting thought (our egos) for at least thousands of years, perhaps even more!  And the consequences of being caught in personal conflict is not just personal unhappiness, but also global unhappiness---one nation against another; one religion against another---beliefs, opinions all conflicting amongst each other.
     Will we ever come out of it?   Almost everything I have read and heard suggest that we will---and that, in fact, we may be turning the corner right now! 
    Why right now?   I believe right now we are transitioning from one cycle of existence to another---and there are many clues that this is true.
    One clue is the transitioning of the astrological Zodiac calendar of 12 signs from the sign of Pisces to the sign of Aquarius.  Another is the ending of the long cycle Mayan calendar.  And there are also Native American Prophecies suggesting that we are at a turning point (many of these prophecies have been, and are, being fulfilled as we speak).
     Basically what all this means in the most realistic terms for you and me, is that from now on we will have the winds at our back in terms of spiritual development and conflict resolution.  The time is NOW to begin facing this psychological monster that has plagued us for so long!
     I know it is radical for somebody to tell you that, “dreams can never come true”---but let us not deceive ourselves and our children anymore.  We know we have a human problem of existence.  And we know that unless we can resolve our own personal problem, the problems of the world at large will never be resolved. 
    Please join me and others like myself in this psychological-spiritual revolution!
    There is more to come!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Double Sun Over China Forewarned of Japan Nuclear Disaster


Double Sun Was Captured On March 2, 2011

It is my strong opinion that this Double Sun is a classic example of, "Signs & Wonders in the Sky", & that IT IS NOT an astronomical mirage (look up Sun Dogs, Sun Halos & Sun Pillars).

Clue: What is Japan's flag symbol? A SUN!

Why TWO suns? Here are the possibilities: 1. Japan has had TWO previous nuclear explosions; 2. This is their SECOND historical nuclear incident  3. There will be TWO Japans (Its possible Japan may split in TWO due to an earthquake).

Final Clue: The sun is powered by NUCLEAR REACTIONS!

Now, rationally how do you explain two suns?  Answer: Its unexplainable AS FAR AS WE KNOW---but do we know everything?

Just decades ago how many of our achievements would have been deemed unexplainable? 

If our universe is billions of years old---and if the intelligence that existed before our universe was created is even "older" (eternal?), is it not possible that, "Reality" has evolved far beyond our comprehension?

When ancient texts describe events such as, The Parting of The Red Sea, which is the more appropriate response: "its impossible" or "its impossible AS FAR AS WE KNOW"?

In parting I would like to leave you with the following quote from J. Krishnamurti:  "The known is but a raft in an ocean of the unknown" (think about this folks!).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Skeptical About Myself

Why should I not be skeptical about who I am?  After all, my name was given to me---it was not something I chose.

Similarly, while growing up I was told whether I was good or bad; whether I was a boy or a girl.

Then later on in school it got even more sinister: I learned whether I was ugly or pretty; skinny or fat; American or Russian...; white, brown, or black...; Christian or Muslim...--and so on (and of course, the original judgement of good or bad was reinforced throughout this time period through reward and punishment).

I think you get the idea--the idea being that we as a human race are highly socialized.  In fact, I will go even further and declare that what we call, "socialization" and "education" are actually conditioning factors.  And further, that this conditioning is actually a "dumbing down" factor because of the emphasis on threat and punishment; and because of the emphasis on having children conform to what is known instead of encouraging them to think for themselves (again, through threat and punishment).

The consequences of all this are that we live in a society where we can kid ourselves about our extraordinary technological achievements while still remaining in decay.  We can kid ourselves about being intelligent and unique among living creatures, when the fact of the matter is that we as a human race have almost totally lost our ability to think for ouselves.  And what we call "intelligence" is actually the repetition of the patterns that we have learned through books and other social media.  And that this explains, for example, why we are not able to solve problems at a deep fundamental level---that is, we are able to build bridges and send astronauts to the moon--all of which require problem solving skills, and yet we are not able to solve our basic problems of human existence.

The interesting thing is that this socialization-conditioning process has been going on for thousands of years, and it is being passed on from generation to generation---the Mexican people are conditioning their children, as are Americans and Chinese; Christian and Muslim---the whole world is caught up in this inheritance pattern of repetition which our human race proudly calls, "tradition". 

And yet we have individuals and organizations all over the world who think we can solve our problems through the same old traditional means of, "more education", "more funding", "greater awareness of the issues", "social manipulation", and so on. 

Now, my question is, how can minds that are conditioned (confused)---where the conditioning is the source of the problem to begin with; how can such minds solve our problems in any deep meaningful way?.   Of couse, the answer is that they CANNOT, and in fact what we are doing in all areas of human endeavour (politics, science, medicine, psychology, education...) is treating symptoms---treating symptoms because we do not know what the real, root source of the problem is---that root source being WE OURSELVES!

I am sorry, but unless we can change psychologically and spiritually at a deep fundamental level, we will continue living in conflict not only within ourselves, but also outwardly within the world at large.              

Now you know why I created this blog, Skeptical About Everything.  We need to begin questioning our deepest fundamental beliefs, and then perhaps through this questioning we can reach a deep fundamental understanding of ourselves which in turn may lead to a deconditioning process. 

More to come!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Night Stalker Is One Of The Greatest Vampire Movies Of All Time!

Of course, we all have opinions on what the "greatest" vampire movie might be; now let me give you mine!

First, this movie is the closest I have ever seen of how the media, the public, & the authorities would react if there were real vampires ("cover it up; I see nothing, hear nothing!").

Second, the acting by Barry Atwater is the closest I have seen of how a geniune vampire living among people would think, behave, and---ultimately, react were he to be confronted.

The hissing & groans as he is confronted---& ultimately killed---WITHOUT ONE WORD being uttered is about as realistic a portrayal as I have ever seen as to what a vampire's behavior might be like.

A Stunning Portrayal of a Las Vegas "Serial Killer" by Barry Atwater.

You might be wondering, "How do you know what a vampire would behave like if no real vampires exist as role models?"
Very simple: Think, "wild beast" ...Think, "how would a wild beast react if cornered?"  Of course, it would hiss, growl, attack--all instinct; NO TALK---in fact, NOT A SINGLE WORD!

I should distinguish here between a "civilized" vampire such as Barnabas Collins (which I will review later), and the more fearsome beast-like ones such as the one portrayed here.

My pick for the "greatest" vampire movie ever (not surprisingly, The Night Stalker garnered one of the highest all-time TV ratings in 1972 within its time slot as, ABC's "Movie of the Week"...glad to hear its being remade with Johnny Depp starring as Kolchak).