Saturday, June 16, 2012

Are We About To Interface With Hell?

In February 23, 2012 investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe was interviewed on Coast to Coast on unexplained sounds occurring worldwide. Its interesting because one of the reported unexplained sounds occurred to me here in my home in Carlsbad CA within the July-August timeframe of 2011.

I had just finished using my computer after 10 PM, and as I was getting up out of my chair I heard the sound of heavy freeway traffic right outside my window. I was perplexed because on the one hand--it was a familiar sound, but on the other hand, there is no way that such a sound should have been audible right outside my window especially that late at night!

I stepped outside and stood on the sidewalk listening for a few seconds. Then I climbed the hill next to my house to see if I could detect heavy traffic on highway 78, but I could not get a view.  Regardless, such a heavy ‘daytime’ rush hour traffic sound should not have been audible to my ears at any time of day.  I then forgot about the incident until I heard the interview with Linda Howe.

The interview with Linda presented various theories, but what I think is happening is what might be termed, ‘reality shifts’.

Imagine an intelligence that is outside our realm looking down on us like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Now imagine that each piece of the puzzle represents one piece of reality which can be moved around.  One piece of reality might represent the sound of a fog horn, while another, the sound of heavy traffic, and so on.

For example, the first interview featured a Russian woman who heard what reminded her of "The Trumpets of Revelation".  I think what she actually heard was a fog horn from some distant seaport (or ship) somewhere around the world. The actual sound of the fog horn may have been emitted one week ago, five weeks ago, perhaps years ago, but nevertheless the sound superimposed itself in her reality at that particular time (her audio recording is available on YouTube).

Likewise, the traffic sound I heard was definitely not from my immediate area, but probably from some distant locale on the globe, which then interfaced with my location at that particular time and place.

A common example might be finding your bedroom window open in the morning when you were sure you had closed it the previous night. Perhaps you opened that window at night four months ago, and then that event superimposed itself that night in your bedroom!

Now, my question is--if there is an increase in the incidence of these reality shifts, what does it say about what is happening to our reality? Are these portending a radical change in our reality (or consciousness) as suggested or foretold by astrology, ET contactees, prophecy, and by the Mayan calendar?

One clue comes from alternate researcher William Warwick who thinks 'The Third Secret of Fatima' was about the Earth undergoing a period of planetary freezing in the near future.  He then correlates this event to the Mayan Calendar 5,200 year cycle which aligns Earth with the sun and with a supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy during December 2012. 

Mr. Warwick also interviewed the head Mayan Day Keeper in Guatemala, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez (Wandering Wolf) who did indeed confirm the existence of this freezing event as concurring with each Mayan Calendar 5,200 year end cycle.  And even though Don Alejandro agreed that we are within the time window for this event to occur, he acknowledged that he did not know the precise date when it would happen.

One final piece of the puzzle occurred on January 7, 2012 when a Japanese princess named Kaoru Nakamaru was widely quoted as predicting Three Days of Darkness beginning on December 22, 2012, which concurs with the Mayan 2012 Long Count Calendar end date. This was revealed to her by some Earthly intelligence in connection with a previous opening of her third eye (or awakening).

If you do a web search for, The Three Days of Darkness Prophecy, you will find some interesting warnings from scriptural texts and modern prophets—here is a summary: “Nothing will be seen, not the stars, sun, or moon--and it will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles."  "Stay away from doors and windows and lock them shut.  Close your curtains and shades and do not go outside or look out your windows, and do not respond to anyone calling you from outside.  During these three days of darkness people should pray the rosary and beg God for mercy, for there is not going to be one demon left in hell. All are going to be on earth!”

What can we make of all this? Are the unexplained sounds being heard worldwide--some of which may be attributed to reality shifts--a microcosm of some larger cosmic multi-dimensional reality shift which will fulfill itself in the form of a very dark cold reality interfacing with ours for some 72 hours?  I hope not, but if so, I am ready with my rosary, bible, saint candles, firewood, blankets, buckets of water, and some food.  Stay tuned folks, this could be a wild one!