Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Double Sun Over China Forewarned of Japan Nuclear Disaster


Double Sun Was Captured On March 2, 2011

It is my strong opinion that this Double Sun is a classic example of, "Signs & Wonders in the Sky", & that IT IS NOT an astronomical mirage (look up Sun Dogs, Sun Halos & Sun Pillars).

Clue: What is Japan's flag symbol? A SUN!

Why TWO suns? Here are the possibilities: 1. Japan has had TWO previous nuclear explosions; 2. This is their SECOND historical nuclear incident  3. There will be TWO Japans (Its possible Japan may split in TWO due to an earthquake).

Final Clue: The sun is powered by NUCLEAR REACTIONS!

Now, rationally how do you explain two suns?  Answer: Its unexplainable AS FAR AS WE KNOW---but do we know everything?

Just decades ago how many of our achievements would have been deemed unexplainable? 

If our universe is billions of years old---and if the intelligence that existed before our universe was created is even "older" (eternal?), is it not possible that, "Reality" has evolved far beyond our comprehension?

When ancient texts describe events such as, The Parting of The Red Sea, which is the more appropriate response: "its impossible" or "its impossible AS FAR AS WE KNOW"?

In parting I would like to leave you with the following quote from J. Krishnamurti:  "The known is but a raft in an ocean of the unknown" (think about this folks!).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Skeptical About Myself

Why should I not be skeptical about who I am?  After all, my name was given to me---it was not something I chose.

Similarly, while growing up I was told whether I was good or bad; whether I was a boy or a girl.

Then later on in school it got even more sinister: I learned whether I was ugly or pretty; skinny or fat; American or Russian...; white, brown, or black...; Christian or Muslim...--and so on (and of course, the original judgement of good or bad was reinforced throughout this time period through reward and punishment).

I think you get the idea--the idea being that we as a human race are highly socialized.  In fact, I will go even further and declare that what we call, "socialization" and "education" are actually conditioning factors.  And further, that this conditioning is actually a "dumbing down" factor because of the emphasis on threat and punishment; and because of the emphasis on having children conform to what is known instead of encouraging them to think for themselves (again, through threat and punishment).

The consequences of all this are that we live in a society where we can kid ourselves about our extraordinary technological achievements while still remaining in decay.  We can kid ourselves about being intelligent and unique among living creatures, when the fact of the matter is that we as a human race have almost totally lost our ability to think for ouselves.  And what we call "intelligence" is actually the repetition of the patterns that we have learned through books and other social media.  And that this explains, for example, why we are not able to solve problems at a deep fundamental level---that is, we are able to build bridges and send astronauts to the moon--all of which require problem solving skills, and yet we are not able to solve our basic problems of human existence.

The interesting thing is that this socialization-conditioning process has been going on for thousands of years, and it is being passed on from generation to generation---the Mexican people are conditioning their children, as are Americans and Chinese; Christian and Muslim---the whole world is caught up in this inheritance pattern of repetition which our human race proudly calls, "tradition". 

And yet we have individuals and organizations all over the world who think we can solve our problems through the same old traditional means of, "more education", "more funding", "greater awareness of the issues", "social manipulation", and so on. 

Now, my question is, how can minds that are conditioned (confused)---where the conditioning is the source of the problem to begin with; how can such minds solve our problems in any deep meaningful way?.   Of couse, the answer is that they CANNOT, and in fact what we are doing in all areas of human endeavour (politics, science, medicine, psychology, education...) is treating symptoms---treating symptoms because we do not know what the real, root source of the problem is---that root source being WE OURSELVES!

I am sorry, but unless we can change psychologically and spiritually at a deep fundamental level, we will continue living in conflict not only within ourselves, but also outwardly within the world at large.              

Now you know why I created this blog, Skeptical About Everything.  We need to begin questioning our deepest fundamental beliefs, and then perhaps through this questioning we can reach a deep fundamental understanding of ourselves which in turn may lead to a deconditioning process. 

More to come!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Night Stalker Is One Of The Greatest Vampire Movies Of All Time!

Of course, we all have opinions on what the "greatest" vampire movie might be; now let me give you mine!

First, this movie is the closest I have ever seen of how the media, the public, & the authorities would react if there were real vampires ("cover it up; I see nothing, hear nothing!").

Second, the acting by Barry Atwater is the closest I have seen of how a geniune vampire living among people would think, behave, and---ultimately, react were he to be confronted.

The hissing & groans as he is confronted---& ultimately killed---WITHOUT ONE WORD being uttered is about as realistic a portrayal as I have ever seen as to what a vampire's behavior might be like.

A Stunning Portrayal of a Las Vegas "Serial Killer" by Barry Atwater.

You might be wondering, "How do you know what a vampire would behave like if no real vampires exist as role models?"
Very simple: Think, "wild beast" ...Think, "how would a wild beast react if cornered?"  Of course, it would hiss, growl, attack--all instinct; NO TALK---in fact, NOT A SINGLE WORD!

I should distinguish here between a "civilized" vampire such as Barnabas Collins (which I will review later), and the more fearsome beast-like ones such as the one portrayed here.

My pick for the "greatest" vampire movie ever (not surprisingly, The Night Stalker garnered one of the highest all-time TV ratings in 1972 within its time slot as, ABC's "Movie of the Week"...glad to hear its being remade with Johnny Depp starring as Kolchak).